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Supplified.com is a steady friend that you can call on to help you construct your dream building. Whether you’re constructing rustic multi-storey towers or building a humble drawing room, we commit to stand by you from the beginning to the end. Supplified.com offers an ever growing product base, with hundreds of new products that are added every day.

We take pride in our thorough vetting procedures which guarantee that only the most reputed merchants offer their world-class merchandise to our customers. Our systems are designed to ensure quality and provide a level of customer satisfaction that is unmatched in the country.

Our team is handling over Rs 600 Crore worth of purchase and delivery per annum. We have industry experience of over 28 years that helps us stay true to the ways and values of our business. Together, Supplified.com is creating an ecosystem that is favourable for buyers and sellers in changing the way people deal in construction materials.”

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